On Thursday the first of April we had two stunning talks about improving your soft skills as a developer. Pauline Vos and Henrqiue Moody, both lead developers at Werkspot, are sharing their knowledge. Did you missed it? No worries! Scroll down and watch both talks, whenever it suits you. Enjoy!


There are a lot of principles, patterns, and methodologies for software development. We learn them, go to conferences, read books, and have all the awesome ideas for improvements. However, many times, none of that reflects on our daily lives. How is this possible, and what is missing there?

This talk will try to answer that question by showing the role of the developer from the perspective of the speaker and prove that you can do more than you can think.

About Henrique Moody
Henrique Moody is a software developer with a focus on PHP, Agilist, Open Source contributor, Core developer of the Respect PHP components, and occasional speaker. Henrique is working as Lead Developer at Werkspot.

TALK 2: DevCorp: an interactive adventure by Pauline Vos

You’re a software development consultant called into DevCorp with a mission. What started as a hip, informal startup now has investor demands to meet. And they’re counting on you to help them become a scale-up. How do you grow the existing team and maintain the codebase?

This interactive talk, intended for any developer of any level, will give you some valuable technical and soft skills to take with you on your real-life professional journey. Using a voting system, the audience decides... and has to live with the consequences. Based on a mix of personal experience, agile methodology, and software design principles, this story has several possible endings.

Will you help lift your team’s performance or run DevCorp into the ground?

About Pauline Vos
Pauline Vos is a software engineer and speaker. She works as a Lead Software Developer at Workspot.

Geschreven door: DIJ

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